NEBHDCO in brooklyn since 1985
We are an affordable housing corporation that's been in business for over thirty years. What is our operational mission? The preservation, development and management of affordable housing and homeownership opportunities, community and economic development initiatives and human services that affect social change in central Brooklyn. We strongly believe our Urban Aqua Farms project and the support it gives to our Golden Harvest Client Choice Food Pantry will affect positive social - and healthy! - changes for years to come.
UAF is one of our Community Programs Department's main projects under the focus of Healthy Food and Living and specifically the food justice and food access initiative, Communities for Healthy Food Bed-Stuy. In September we held a wine tasting fundraiser (yummy!) and a lucky group of people from the community were able to sample produce from our gardens and fish grown on aquaponic farms. It was our first step toward raising the $300,000 we need to complete UAF and we hope you will join us on this journey.
This year on #GivingTuesday (11/29), NEBHDCo was active on social media sharing details about the aquaponics farm and retweeting photos and recipes of tasty dishes prepared by our team of Community Chefs. Please tag NEBHDCo (@NEBHDCo on both Twitter and Facebook) in your tweets and posts so we can join in the fun!! Better yet: include some combination of these hashtags #NEBHDCo, #FundBedStuyAqua, #GivingTuesday, and #UrbanAquaFarms and you, too, just might get a mention in our social media shoutouts.
NEBHDCo’s indoor Urban Aqua Farms will provide year-round, high quality, affordable fresh water fish and vegetables to food insecure individuals and families in the community.
Harvests from our Urban Aqua Farms will supplement the healthy food supply for NEBHDCo’s Golden Harvest Client Choice Food Pantry which feeds 19,000 people each year. Let us repeat that: our Pantry feeds 19,000 EACH YEAR. We're kinda proud of this.
After watching our video, you can read an overview of our Urban Aqua Farms project by clicking here.

Celebrated annually, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable, end-of-year giving season. It is a 4-year-old global initiative and will be celebrated on November 29th. This year NEBHDCo is participating with a celebration of our Urban Aqua Farms (UAF) project. That's right: we're bringing aquaponics to central Brooklyn.
On 11/29 we are asking for your financial support to bring UAF to life. You can make a tax deductible donation by clicking on any of the DONATE buttons found on this page. Your donations and financial support are appreciated. We are also asking you for your recipes! Starting as soon as possible, Tweet at us (@NEBHDCo) or tag us in your Facebook (@NEBHDCo) posts with your favorite recipes made with fish and produce. Be sure to show off your culinary delight with photos, too.
NEBHDCo celebrates #GivingTuesday 2016 with its Urban Aqua Farms project
NEBHDCO's first #Givingtuesday